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Mantra for Moms: I Am Grateful for Today

Writer's picture: juliegtheyogijuliegtheyogi

Updated: Dec 7, 2024

Thanksgiving and gratitude go together like turkey and mashed potatoes. Fill your life with an abundance of gratitude with the mantra, "I am grateful for today."

I Am Grateful for Today
"I am grateful for today." This mantra isn’t just for Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving and November automatically make me think of gratitude, but gratitude is a yearlong, lifelong practice—not just reserved for the holidays or one day a year.

Appreciation, gratitude, thankfulness, however you say it, be grateful for today whatever it brings you.

You can even bring a sense of gratitude with everyday chores like doing laundry. (Stay with me on this.) I’m grateful I have laundry to do, grateful that I have access to soap and water to wash my clothes, grateful that I have a machine that washes them so I can wear them again and again.

There’s a reason your presence was requested to be on the planet at this time. Express your gratitude with everything you do.

This video is part of A Second for Yourself—a video series on my Stand Up for Your Self-Care YouTube Channel that encourages you to create mindfulness in your busy day.

Get life-changing self-care ideas and 25% off my books when you sign up for my free monthly self-care newsletter Nourish Note.

Mantra for moms: I am grateful for today.

Journal About It: I Am Grateful for Today

Get your journal and a pen and find a quiet spot. How do you regularly express gratitude? I’m grateful for my self-care practices, such as yoga and journaling.

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