Words have a significant impact on your emotions and thoughts. Increase your chance of having a positive day with the mantra, "I believe in myself."
Take a moment to notice your current thoughts. Are they more positive or negative? Are they neutral?
I have uplifting quotes sprinkled literally everywhere I look—on my phone, decor in my home and on vision boards. These words, phrases and sentences help me stay in an uplifting frame of mind. When I read them, I have more confidence that I’m capable in my abilities even when I have doubts.
If you believe in yourself, you will do great things.
This video is part of A Second for Yourself—a video series on my Stand Up for Your Self-Care YouTube Channel that encourages you to create mindfulness in your busy day.
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Mantra for moms: I believe in myself.
Journal About It: I Believe in Myself
Get your journal and a pen and find a quiet spot. What are some ways you believe in yourself? What do you believe you can do that you haven't yet done?