Do this when you need to keep going. Discover how to persevere through challenges.
Word of the Week: Persevere
Endure with strength, not an empty cup. Persist with grit and don’t give up.
You've likely been in a situation where you didn't know how you would get through it, but somehow you eventually did.
As Robert Frost wrote:"The only way out is through."
Perseverance will help see you through it.
Be sure to nourish yourself with plenty of Ayurvedic self-care, such as establishing ideal morning and bedtime rituals, eating according to your dosha (mind-body type) and spending time in nature frequently.
These self-care practices form the foundation of steadiness and you can call upon them when you need to persevere and keep going.
For a new Word of the Week every week, tune in to my Stand Up for Your Self-Care YouTube Channel and Instagram @JulieGtheYogi.
Learn How to Persevere Through Challenges With Self-Care
Yoga classes: Join my yoga classes at the Bloomingdale Park District. Plus, check out my upcoming pop-up yoga classes.
Events: Register for my upcoming Ayurvedic self-care events.
Social media: Connect with me on Pinterest, YouTube, Instagram and Facebook.
Blog: Check out my more than 280 blog posts on yoga, self-care and an Ayurvedic lifestyle.
Books: Get self-care ideas and inspiration from my two award-winning books 108 Yoga and Self-Care Practices for Busy Mamas and How to Stay Calm in Chaos: An Everyday Self-Care Guide.
Nourish Note: Get 25% off my books when you sign up for my free monthly self-care newsletter Nourish Note.